Songs of Zion
A Higher Spiritual Mind (#76)
Awake Great Nation (#4)
Be of Good Cheer (#97)
Carry Me Back to the Land of My Fathers (#137)
Checking On Me (#55)
Come All Ye That Thirst (#26)
Don't Let Anybody Take Your Crown (#101)
Following God Thru the Wilderness (#202)
From the Innermost Prison (#72)
Give Me Understanding, Lord (#70)
God Will Restore (#191)
God Is Leading By His Spirit (#149)
God's Still On His Throne (#19)
Good Morning God! (#63)
He Changed My Life Completely (#99)
He Held His Arms And I Ran In (#43)
He Planted Me Deep (#65)
He'll Take Care of Me (#83)
He's All the World To Me (#81)
He's Taken My Blindness (#84)
Ho Sheep (#5)
I Am Your Brother (#124)
I Left It There (#165)
I Who Am Nothing (#179)
I'll Stand On That (#10)
If I Could Please Thee, Lord, Today (#46)
If Ye Be Willing (#138)
If You Would Labor In Zion (#102)
In the Army of the True and Living God (#122)
Is it Nothing To You? (#7)
Is Anyone Willing to Let Jesus In? (#89)
Keep Sorrow At the Gate (#9)
Keeping Step (#103)
Lay Down the Weight, Son (#6)
Let it Shine! (#85)
Maybe I'm a Dreamer (#117)
My Lord Can (#79)
Only Dreamers See (#156)
Run 'Till You Reach the Mountain Top (#108)
Second to God (#22)
Send Hunters and Fishers (#3)
Set Her Free (#106)
Sing Glory! (#146)
Sing Hallelujah (#27)
Sing Me the Songs of Zion, Saints (#2)
Singing on the Mountain (#25)
Soaring Over Canaan (Like a Bird) (#98)
Take Some Time to Pray (#104)
Taste the Grass on the Summit (#39)
The Latter Day Theme (#86)
The National Wonder (#125)
The New Jerusalem (#116)
The Return (#87)
The Rocks Bowed Down (#170)
The Sea So Great, Lord, My Boat So Small (#52)
The Standard of Liberty (#28)
The Storehouse of the Lord (#80)
The Valleys are Green, Sir (#60)
The Way Is Too Narrow (#8)
Then You Can Enter In (#11)
There's a God in Israel (#115)
There's Another Hill To Take (#164)
There's No Rainbow Can Shine Like Jesus (#31)
There's Not Anything That Jesus Cannot Do (#91)
They Say the Land Has Milk and Honey (#107)
To Keep the Gospel Pure (#119)
To See the Morning Light (#59)
Too Small For Great Things (#42)
Vessels of Gold (#73)
Wave the Flags of Zion (#75)
Weighed in the Balance (#37)
Zion's Borderline (#1)
A Higher Spiritual Mind (#76)
Awake Great Nation (#4)
Be of Good Cheer (#97)
Carry Me Back to the Land of My Fathers (#137)
Checking On Me (#55)
Come All Ye That Thirst (#26)
Don't Let Anybody Take Your Crown (#101)
Following God Thru the Wilderness (#202)
From the Innermost Prison (#72)
Give Me Understanding, Lord (#70)
God Will Restore (#191)
God Is Leading By His Spirit (#149)
God's Still On His Throne (#19)
Good Morning God! (#63)
He Changed My Life Completely (#99)
He Held His Arms And I Ran In (#43)
He Planted Me Deep (#65)
He'll Take Care of Me (#83)
He's All the World To Me (#81)
He's Taken My Blindness (#84)
Ho Sheep (#5)
I Am Your Brother (#124)
I Left It There (#165)
I Who Am Nothing (#179)
I'll Stand On That (#10)
If I Could Please Thee, Lord, Today (#46)
If Ye Be Willing (#138)
If You Would Labor In Zion (#102)
In the Army of the True and Living God (#122)
Is it Nothing To You? (#7)
Is Anyone Willing to Let Jesus In? (#89)
Keep Sorrow At the Gate (#9)
Keeping Step (#103)
Lay Down the Weight, Son (#6)
Let it Shine! (#85)
Maybe I'm a Dreamer (#117)
My Lord Can (#79)
Only Dreamers See (#156)
Run 'Till You Reach the Mountain Top (#108)
Second to God (#22)
Send Hunters and Fishers (#3)
Set Her Free (#106)
Sing Glory! (#146)
Sing Hallelujah (#27)
Sing Me the Songs of Zion, Saints (#2)
Singing on the Mountain (#25)
Soaring Over Canaan (Like a Bird) (#98)
Take Some Time to Pray (#104)
Taste the Grass on the Summit (#39)
The Latter Day Theme (#86)
The National Wonder (#125)
The New Jerusalem (#116)
The Return (#87)
The Rocks Bowed Down (#170)
The Sea So Great, Lord, My Boat So Small (#52)
The Standard of Liberty (#28)
The Storehouse of the Lord (#80)
The Valleys are Green, Sir (#60)
The Way Is Too Narrow (#8)
Then You Can Enter In (#11)
There's a God in Israel (#115)
There's Another Hill To Take (#164)
There's No Rainbow Can Shine Like Jesus (#31)
There's Not Anything That Jesus Cannot Do (#91)
They Say the Land Has Milk and Honey (#107)
To Keep the Gospel Pure (#119)
To See the Morning Light (#59)
Too Small For Great Things (#42)
Vessels of Gold (#73)
Wave the Flags of Zion (#75)
Weighed in the Balance (#37)
Zion's Borderline (#1)
Saints Hymnal
A New Name in Glory (#122)
Alone (#272)
Amazing Grace (#120)
An Angel Came Down (#11)
Are Ye Able (#448)
At the Cross (#267)
Blessed Assurance (#346)
Break Thou The Bread of Life (#119)
Christ Arose (#357)
Come and Dine (#127)
Dwelling in Beulah Land (#160)
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (#296)
Have you Been to Jesus? (#243)
He Keeps on Loving Us Still (#169)
He Lives (#32)
I Need Thee Every Hour (#317)
I Know Whom I Have Believed (#89)
I Surrender All (#337)
If Jesus Goes With Me (#80)
In the Garden (#168)
Is Your All on the Alter? (#274)
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (#298)
It is Well With My Soul (#129)
Jesus Paid It All (#311)
Jesus Took My Burden (#280)
Joy to the World (#299)
Just As I Am (#157)
Lead Me To Calvary (#238)
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (#240)
Living For Jesus (#171)
Longing For the Gathering (#6)
My Hope is Built (#55)
My Jesus, I Love Thee (#344)
My Redeemer (#199)
Near the Cross (#363)
Nearer My God To Thee (#121)
Never Alone (#70)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (#297)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (#300)
Once in a Lowly Manger (#16)
Our Church (#177)
Pass Me Not (#318)
Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days (#81)
Revive Us Again (#256)
Ring the Bells of Heaven (#139)
Shall We Gather At The River (#305)
Silent Night (#294)
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (#354)
Standing on the Promises (#115)
Sunshine In The Soul (#189)
The Gospel Restored (#1)
The Haven of Rest (#270)
The Last Mile of the Way (#269)
The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning (#13)
There Is Power In the Blood (#281)
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing (#87)
Trust and Obey (#348)
We Have an Anchor (#66)
We're Marching to Zion (#351)
When Jesus Christ Was Here Below (#246)
When Mothers In Salem (#92)
A New Name in Glory (#122)
Alone (#272)
Amazing Grace (#120)
An Angel Came Down (#11)
Are Ye Able (#448)
At the Cross (#267)
Blessed Assurance (#346)
Break Thou The Bread of Life (#119)
Christ Arose (#357)
Come and Dine (#127)
Dwelling in Beulah Land (#160)
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (#296)
Have you Been to Jesus? (#243)
He Keeps on Loving Us Still (#169)
He Lives (#32)
I Need Thee Every Hour (#317)
I Know Whom I Have Believed (#89)
I Surrender All (#337)
If Jesus Goes With Me (#80)
In the Garden (#168)
Is Your All on the Alter? (#274)
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (#298)
It is Well With My Soul (#129)
Jesus Paid It All (#311)
Jesus Took My Burden (#280)
Joy to the World (#299)
Just As I Am (#157)
Lead Me To Calvary (#238)
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (#240)
Living For Jesus (#171)
Longing For the Gathering (#6)
My Hope is Built (#55)
My Jesus, I Love Thee (#344)
My Redeemer (#199)
Near the Cross (#363)
Nearer My God To Thee (#121)
Never Alone (#70)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (#297)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (#300)
Once in a Lowly Manger (#16)
Our Church (#177)
Pass Me Not (#318)
Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days (#81)
Revive Us Again (#256)
Ring the Bells of Heaven (#139)
Shall We Gather At The River (#305)
Silent Night (#294)
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (#354)
Standing on the Promises (#115)
Sunshine In The Soul (#189)
The Gospel Restored (#1)
The Haven of Rest (#270)
The Last Mile of the Way (#269)
The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning (#13)
There Is Power In the Blood (#281)
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing (#87)
Trust and Obey (#348)
We Have an Anchor (#66)
We're Marching to Zion (#351)
When Jesus Christ Was Here Below (#246)
When Mothers In Salem (#92)
Branch Favorites
Because He Lives (#3)
Cuan Grande Es El (How Great Thou Art) (#41)
Cuando Alla Se Pase Lista (When the Roll is Called Up Yonder) (#45)
Dulce Consuelo (Blessed Assurance) (#59)
En La Cruz (At the Cross) (#49)
En La Viña Del Señor (#58)
First Love (#13)
For Those Tears I Died (#21)
Hay Poder (There's Power in the Blood) (#66)
He Touched Me (#28)
He's Everything To Me (#36)
Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome (#17)
How Great Thou Art (#7)
I've Decided to Make Jesus My Choice (#18)
In The Upper Room (#32)
It's My Desire (#38)
Jesus Use Me (#19)
Let's Just Praise the Lord (#22)
Lovest Thou Me (#29)
Oh What a Savior (#15)
Me Ha Tocado (He Touched Me) (#44)
People Need the Lord (#12)
Porque El Vive (Because He Lives) (#40)
Sheltered in the Arms of God (#37)
Something Beautiful (#14)
Stand Up For the Restoration (#20)
Sweet, Sweet Spirit (#23)
Thank You, Lord (#6)
There is a River (#30)
There’s Something About That Name (#11)
Todo a Cristo, Yo Me Rindo (I Surrender All) (#50)
Un Dia a la Vez (One Day at a Time) (#65)
We Shall Sing on the Mountain of the Lord (#9)
What a Day That Will Be (#31)
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (#33)
Without Him (#10)
Country Western
Blessed Redeemer (#29)
Come and Dine (#31)
Do You Know My Jesus? (#8)
Fill My Cup, Lord (#26)
He Did It All For Me (#58)
He Looked Beyond My Fault And Saw My Need (#35)
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul (#46)
How Long Has it Been? (#83)
I Asked the Lord (#102)
If That Isn't Love (#17)
I'm Free (#77)
Mansion Over the Hilltop (#107)
Remind Me, Dear Lord (#103)
Springs of Living Water (#86)
The Old Rugged Cross (#28)
Victory In Jesus (#60)
Songs of Zion in Spanish
ABRIÓ SUS BRAZOS Y A ÉL CORRÍ (He Held His Arms and I Ran In) (#43)
CAMINANDO CON JESUS (Walking With Jesus) (#66)
CANTANDO EN LA MONTAÑA (Singing on the Mountain) (#25)
COMO UN NIÑO (Like a Child) (#44)
DE LO PROFUNDO DE LA PRISIÓN (From the Innermost Prison) (#72)
DIOS ESTÁ EN SU TRONO (God’s Still On His Throne) (#19)
EL ESTANDARTE DE LIBERTAD (The Standard of Liberty) (#28)
EL VUELO FINAL (The Final Flight) (#61)
ENTONCES PUEDES ENTRAR (Then You Can Enter In) (#11)
Escudriñandome (Checking on Me) (#55)
Guíame a Las Aguas (Lead Me to the Waters) (#155)
Hay un Dios En Israel (There’s a God In Israel) (#115)
LA PROTECCIÓN DE LOS BRAZOS DE MI PADRE (The Safety of My Father’s Arms) (#64)
LIBERACIÓN DE TIEMPO EN TIEMPO (Deliverance From Time to Time) (#45)
Liberala (Set Her Free) (#106)
LOS VALLES SON VERDES, SEÑOR (The Valleys are Green, Sir) (#60)
MANDEN CAZADORES Y PESCADORES (Send Hunters and Fishers) (#3)
Maravilla Nacional (The National Wonder) (#125)
ME PLANTÓ PROFUNDO (He Planted Me Deep) (#65)
MIRAR LA TIERRA PROMETIDA (To View The Promised Land) (#48)
MUY PEQUEÑO PARA GRANDES COSAS (Too Small for Great Things) (#42)
¡No Será Algo Ver a Israel Sonreír! (Won’t It Be Something to See Israel Smile!) (#99)
ONDULEAN LAS BANDERAS DE SIÓN (Wave the Flags of Zion) (#75)
OYE EL LLAMADO A TRAVÉS DEL AGUA (Hear the Call Across the Water) (#62)
PECADOS PEQUEÑOS (Small Sins) (#41)
Se Inclinaron Las Rocas (The Rocks Bowed Down) (#170)
SI YO PUDIERA COMPLACERTE HOY, SEÑOR (If I Could Please Thee Lord Today) (#46)
UNA MENTE MÁS ESPIRITUAL (A Higher Spiritual Mind) (#76)
Uno de Cada Cuidad Y Dos de Cada Familia (One of a City and Two of a Family) (#192)
VEN SI TIENES SED (Come All Ye That Thirst) (#26)
Yo, Quien No Soy Nada (I, Who Am Nothing) (#179)
Yo Soy Su Hermano (I Am Your Brother) (#124)
Other Favorites
God's Wonderful People
Hallelujah, The Gospel is Restored
Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful?
Just for Me
Because He Lives (#3)
Cuan Grande Es El (How Great Thou Art) (#41)
Cuando Alla Se Pase Lista (When the Roll is Called Up Yonder) (#45)
Dulce Consuelo (Blessed Assurance) (#59)
En La Cruz (At the Cross) (#49)
En La Viña Del Señor (#58)
First Love (#13)
For Those Tears I Died (#21)
Hay Poder (There's Power in the Blood) (#66)
He Touched Me (#28)
He's Everything To Me (#36)
Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome (#17)
How Great Thou Art (#7)
I've Decided to Make Jesus My Choice (#18)
In The Upper Room (#32)
It's My Desire (#38)
Jesus Use Me (#19)
Let's Just Praise the Lord (#22)
Lovest Thou Me (#29)
Oh What a Savior (#15)
Me Ha Tocado (He Touched Me) (#44)
People Need the Lord (#12)
Porque El Vive (Because He Lives) (#40)
Sheltered in the Arms of God (#37)
Something Beautiful (#14)
Stand Up For the Restoration (#20)
Sweet, Sweet Spirit (#23)
Thank You, Lord (#6)
There is a River (#30)
There’s Something About That Name (#11)
Todo a Cristo, Yo Me Rindo (I Surrender All) (#50)
Un Dia a la Vez (One Day at a Time) (#65)
We Shall Sing on the Mountain of the Lord (#9)
What a Day That Will Be (#31)
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (#33)
Without Him (#10)
Country Western
Blessed Redeemer (#29)
Come and Dine (#31)
Do You Know My Jesus? (#8)
Fill My Cup, Lord (#26)
He Did It All For Me (#58)
He Looked Beyond My Fault And Saw My Need (#35)
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul (#46)
How Long Has it Been? (#83)
I Asked the Lord (#102)
If That Isn't Love (#17)
I'm Free (#77)
Mansion Over the Hilltop (#107)
Remind Me, Dear Lord (#103)
Springs of Living Water (#86)
The Old Rugged Cross (#28)
Victory In Jesus (#60)
Songs of Zion in Spanish
ABRIÓ SUS BRAZOS Y A ÉL CORRÍ (He Held His Arms and I Ran In) (#43)
CAMINANDO CON JESUS (Walking With Jesus) (#66)
CANTANDO EN LA MONTAÑA (Singing on the Mountain) (#25)
COMO UN NIÑO (Like a Child) (#44)
DE LO PROFUNDO DE LA PRISIÓN (From the Innermost Prison) (#72)
DIOS ESTÁ EN SU TRONO (God’s Still On His Throne) (#19)
EL ESTANDARTE DE LIBERTAD (The Standard of Liberty) (#28)
EL VUELO FINAL (The Final Flight) (#61)
ENTONCES PUEDES ENTRAR (Then You Can Enter In) (#11)
Escudriñandome (Checking on Me) (#55)
Guíame a Las Aguas (Lead Me to the Waters) (#155)
Hay un Dios En Israel (There’s a God In Israel) (#115)
LA PROTECCIÓN DE LOS BRAZOS DE MI PADRE (The Safety of My Father’s Arms) (#64)
LIBERACIÓN DE TIEMPO EN TIEMPO (Deliverance From Time to Time) (#45)
Liberala (Set Her Free) (#106)
LOS VALLES SON VERDES, SEÑOR (The Valleys are Green, Sir) (#60)
MANDEN CAZADORES Y PESCADORES (Send Hunters and Fishers) (#3)
Maravilla Nacional (The National Wonder) (#125)
ME PLANTÓ PROFUNDO (He Planted Me Deep) (#65)
MIRAR LA TIERRA PROMETIDA (To View The Promised Land) (#48)
MUY PEQUEÑO PARA GRANDES COSAS (Too Small for Great Things) (#42)
¡No Será Algo Ver a Israel Sonreír! (Won’t It Be Something to See Israel Smile!) (#99)
ONDULEAN LAS BANDERAS DE SIÓN (Wave the Flags of Zion) (#75)
OYE EL LLAMADO A TRAVÉS DEL AGUA (Hear the Call Across the Water) (#62)
PECADOS PEQUEÑOS (Small Sins) (#41)
Se Inclinaron Las Rocas (The Rocks Bowed Down) (#170)
SI YO PUDIERA COMPLACERTE HOY, SEÑOR (If I Could Please Thee Lord Today) (#46)
UNA MENTE MÁS ESPIRITUAL (A Higher Spiritual Mind) (#76)
Uno de Cada Cuidad Y Dos de Cada Familia (One of a City and Two of a Family) (#192)
VEN SI TIENES SED (Come All Ye That Thirst) (#26)
Yo, Quien No Soy Nada (I, Who Am Nothing) (#179)
Yo Soy Su Hermano (I Am Your Brother) (#124)
Other Favorites
God's Wonderful People
Hallelujah, The Gospel is Restored
Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful?
Just for Me